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Press Release

Twenty Teams Set to Challenge the High Desert

Ridgecrest, CA February 18, 2009

Receiving a great competitor turnout, the High Desert Trails Rally will be run this weekend, Saturday, February 21st, 2009 in Ridgecrest, California. The high turnout actually forced a slight change in schedule, Co-Organizer Kristopher Marciniak explains, “As a novice style event, run at a small private venue, we were looking for around fifteen competitors. Once the numbers went up to twenty, we had to re-evaluate the schedule. In order to keep the eight stages and 45 event miles from going into the late evening, we’re going to get started a little earlier and try to stick with one minute intervals.” Please visit our website for the updated schedule.

Teams are in for a couple of fun surprises as the course was altered and lengthened just before this event. The rally will also use a twisty section of road not previously used in competition. To prepare them for this, all cars will be provided stage notes, and will be doing a single pass reconnaissance just before the event. A recce and notes class will be offered Friday night by Co-Organizer and National Championship winning Co-Driver, Christine Marciniak. “I’m excited to give teams that have never run notes the opportunity to use them in a low-pressure event,” explains Christine.

Even though this is a low pressure event, look for this to be the launch pad for some of these teams in their quest for a 2009 California Rally Series Championship. Real time scoring will be provided by the CRS and can be found at:

The course is ready, the notes are printed, and the stage is set. Twenty teams will challenge the High Desert Trails, and look to have a fantastic weekend in Ridgecrest!


High Desert Trails Website:
NASA RallySport:
California Rally Series: